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This document, published by the UK government, provides legal guidance on how local and national agencies should collaborate to protect children. It covers key responsibilities+
The study “Taking Oral Evidence in Chile from Child Victims in Priority Groups: Challenges for the Practice and Training of Justice Professionals,” published in the+
This document provides a review of specialized literature in order to compile an updated body of knowledge for a better understanding of the trauma and+
This report updates and compares figures regarding the coverage and timeframes for conducting investigative interviews in the regions of the first phase (considering its first+
El informe recoge las apreciaciones del Comité de los Derechos del Niño en relación a los avances y desafíos del Estado chileno en la situación+
This second edition of the 2022 “Handbook on European Law Relating to the Rights of the Child” has been jointly prepared by the European Union+
The Ibero-American Judicial Protocol for Improving Access to Justice for Individuals and Groups in Vulnerable Conditions, with a Special Emphasis on Gender-Responsive Justice, emerged from+
The Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Children’s Access to Justice is presented in accordance with Resolution 22/32 of the+
The National Prosecutor’s Office Letter No. 277/2022, titled “General Instruction Providing Action Criteria for Sexual Violence Crimes,” updates the standards for criminal investigation, prosecution, and+
The document Frequently Asked Questions about Law No. 21.057, which “Regulates Video Recorded Interviews and Other Protective Measures for Minors, Victims of Sexual Crimes”, was+
Law 21.430 on Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents was published on March 15, 2022. Its objective is to guarantee+
In this report, the Foundation highlights the key milestones of the past year. Among them is the commemoration of its 25 years of history, always+
In this document, you will find a summary of the main projects and activities carried out by Fundación Amparo y Justicia during 2022. If you+
In this report, you will find a summary of the main projects and activities carried out during 2021. If you wish to review the report+
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