Estimación del crecimiento de denuncias de delitos sexuales contra niños, niñas y adolescentes: Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo
En Chile, las denuncias por delitos sexuales contra niños, niñas y adolescentes han aumentado sostenidamente en los últimos años, alcanzando los 40.000 casos en 2022.+
Good practices in conducting autopsies in cases of violent deaths of children and adolescents
The class “Best Practices in Performing Autopsies in Cases of Violent Deaths of Children and Adolescents” provided information on the thanatological principles applied in child+
How to lead a successful prosecution of a child homicide
The class “How to Lead a Successful Prosecution in a Child Homicide” provided an in-depth understanding of the prosecutor’s role in investigating child homicides. Strategies+
Standards and best practices for the criminal investigation of child and adolescent homicides
The class “Standards and Best Practices for Criminal Investigation of Child Homicides” provided a detailed approach to the phenomenology of child homicide, allowing participants to+
Role of forensic pediatrics in the identification of assaults and violent deaths of children and adolescents
The class “Role of Forensic Pediatrics in the Identification of Abuse and Violent Deaths of Children and Adolescents” provided a comprehensive understanding of the functions+
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023: Statutory Guidance
This document, published by the UK government, provides legal guidance on how local and national agencies should collaborate to protect children. It covers key responsibilities+
SIDS – Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death: The Past, The Present and The Future.
SIDS – Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death: The Past, The Present and The Future. A manual that, through updated scientific research and historical perspectives,+
Unexplained Pediatric Deaths: Investigation, Certification, and Family Needs
A manual developed by the National Association of Medical Examiners that compiles the latest evidence produced by medical research on sudden and unexpected death. It+
When a baby or young child dies suddenly and unexpectedly
This document provides support resources for parents who have suffered the sudden loss of an infant or young child. It informs about the procedures stipulated+
Risk factors for intra-familial unlawful and suspicious child death. A retrospective study of cases in London
In order to explore social, demographic, and autopsy patterns, this article reviews 282 child deaths investigated by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) of London. The+
Sudden unexpected death in infancy and childhood. Multi-agency guidelines for care and investigation.
A guide developed by The Royal College of Pathologists and The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to provide guidelines for the investigation and+
Study on the experiences of indirect victims of child or teen sexual assault that resulted in death within the context of parole application
This study seeks to understand the experience of indirect victims of sexual assault that resulted in the death of a child or teen, and who+
Seminar “Video-taped Interview Law and its national implementation: what are the first results?”
With the participation of representatives from the Network of Universities for Childhood and officials from the criminal justice system, the online seminar “Videotaped Interview Law+
Report on the evolution of parole applications
This study aimed to identify whether the 2019 reforms introduced to the processes of applying for and granting parole have had any effect on the+
Coverage and response times in conducting Videotaped Investigative Interviews and taking statements from children and adolescents victims of sexual crimes and other serious crimes
This report updates and compares figures regarding the coverage and timeframes for conducting investigative interviews in the regions of the first phase (considering its first+
Observaciones del Comité de los Derechos del Niño de la ONU en relación a los avances y desafíos en la materia en Chile
El informe recoge las apreciaciones del Comité de los Derechos del Niño en relación a los avances y desafíos del Estado chileno en la situación+
Artículo “Assessment of a Chilean Training Programme for Investigative Interviewers”
Artículo “Intermediaries in Chile: Facilitating the right of children to participate and be heard”
Annual Report 2021
In this report, you will find a summary of the main projects and activities carried out during 2021. If you wish to review the report+
Criteria for action of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in cases of sexual violence crimes
The National Prosecutor’s Office Letter No. 277/2022, titled “General Instruction Providing Action Criteria for Sexual Violence Crimes,” updates the standards for criminal investigation, prosecution, and+
Handbook on european law relating to the rights of the child
This second edition of the 2022 “Handbook on European Law Relating to the Rights of the Child” has been jointly prepared by the European Union+
Statistical report on sexual crimes against children and adolescents in Chile, 2022
Frequently asked questions about Law No. 21.057 for education staff
The document Frequently Asked Questions about Law No. 21.057, which “Regulates Video Recorded Interviews and Other Protective Measures for Minors, Victims of Sexual Crimes”, was+
Law 21.430 on guarantees and comprehensive protection of the rights of children and adolescents
Law 21.430 on Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents was published on March 15, 2022. Its objective is to guarantee+
Evidence for the autopsy study in child victims of rape with homicide
Effectiveness of Training Courses in Investigative Interviewing with Police
Coverage and Timing of Investigative Interviews with Minors Two Years After the Implementation of Law 21.057
Interpreters of the Role of Child Victims in Investigative Interview Training
Law 21.421 Excludes Those Accused of Sexual Crimes Against Children and Adolescents from Certain Benefits
Law 21.421, which excludes individuals who have committed sexual offenses against minors from the benefits regulated under Law No. 19.856, was published on February 9,+
Coverage and Timing of Investigative Interviews with Children and Adolescents
Effectiveness of Online Training in Investigative Interviewing
Technical Standard for the Care of Child and Adolescent Victims of Sexual Violence for Application in the Forensic Medical Service (SML)
Resolution 2938 exempts the approval of the general technical standard for the care of child and adolescent victims of sexual violence for its application in+
Presentation “Changes in the Reporting of Crimes Against Children and Adolescents”
Presentation “Progress and Challenges in the First Year of Implementing Law 21.057”
Presentation “Effectiveness of Online Investigative Interview Training”
Presentation “Investigative Interview Training: Adherence to Protocol”
Presentation “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Chilean Training on Videotaped Investigative Interviewing”
Presentación “Intermediación de la declaración judicial de niños, niñas y adolescentes en Chile”
Presentation “Videorecorded Investigative Interview in Chile: One Year of Implementation Experience”
Needs for Advanced Training in Investigative Interviewing and Intermediation
Presentation “Online training and competency mapping of skills in Chilean intermedaries”
Presentación de Rocío Acosta en el Congreso iIIRG-Virtual 2021, 6-10 septiembre. Material: Online training and competency mapping of skills in Chilean intermediaries
+Presentation “Intermediaries in Chile: Perceptions after one year of the implementation of the intermediary system”
Presentación de Valentina Ulloa en el Congreso iIIRG-Virtual 2021, 6-10 septiembre. Referencias: – Antolak-Saper, N., y MacPherson, H. (2019). Vulnerable witnesses and Victoria’s intermediary pilot+
Presentation “Interviewers perceptions after one year of the Videorecorded Interview Law in Chile”
Presentación de Nicolás Pietrasanta en el Congreso iIIRG-Virtual 2021, 6-10 septiembre. Referencias – Adams, J., Farst, K.J., & Kellogg, N.D. (2018). Interpretation of Medical Findings+
Statement of children and adolescents during the investigation of sexual crimes
Models of victim participation in the context of parole.
Sexual offenders of children and adolescents convicted in Chile between 2011 and 2020.
Diseño e implementación de cursos de formación en Entrevista Investigativa e Intermediación
Annual Report 2020
In this digital version of our Annual Report, you can review our objectives and the work carried out over the past year. Notable among them+
Atención a víctimas en contexto de postulación a libertad condicional
The implementation of the Investigative Interview one year after the enactment of Law 21.057
La toma de denuncia de delitos contra NNA a un año de la Ley 21.057
First experiences of Intermediation one year after the enactment of Law 21.057
Statistical Report on Sexual Crimes Against Children and Adolescents in Chile, 2021
Video-Recorded Investigative Interview Of Child Victims Of Sexual Abuse, English edition, 2021
Evaluation of the performance of intermediaries in simulated instances
Best practices in the pre-substantive phase of the Investigative Interview
Effectiveness of Investigative Interview training in Chile
Law 21.302 Creates the National Service for Specialized Protection of Children and Adolescents
Law 21.302 was published in January 2021, creating the National Service for Specialized Protection of Children and Adolescents (“Mejor Niñez”), as a decentralized public service+
Instructional Guide for Law 21.057 for SENAME Establishments or Programs
The instructions contain guidelines for the adaptation and implementation of procedures in centers with direct administration and in centers and/or programs managed by accredited collaborators+
Participation of children and adolescents in the evaluation of the justice system
International experience in online training for Investigative Interviewing
Technical standard for the care of child and adolescent victims of sexual violence
The “General Technical Standard for the Care of Child and Adolescent (NNA) Victims of Sexual Violence for its Application in the National Legal Medical Service”+
Perception of judges regarding the implementation of Law 21.057
Guidelines for the design of online courses in Investigative Interviewing
Statistical Report on Sexual Offenses Against Children and Adolescents in Chile, 2020
Guidelines for media to prevent secondary victimization
Videorecorded Investigative Interview. Second Edition, 2020
Implementation of the Videorecorded Interviews Law 21.057
Explanatory video created by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights that explains Law 21.057 on Video-recorded Interviews.
+Guidelines for the development of action protocols for sexual abuse in educational institutions
The document “Guidelines for the Development of an Action Protocol in Accordance with the Provisions of Law 21.057 Regulating Videotaped Interviews and Other Protective Measures+
Protocol for access to justice for vulnerable groups in Chile
The document created by the Judiciary of the Republic of Chile establishes standards of care for vulnerable victims, aiming for appropriate access to justice for+
Videotaped Interviews
This video, produced by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, shows the reporting process under Law 21.057 on Videotaped Interviews
+Interviews in the Escalera de la Niñez: Nora Rosati
Nora Rosati, judge of the 2nd Criminal Court, has been one of the main promoters of the Videotaped Interview Law within the Judiciary. She discussed+
Storage and Access to Videotaped Interview Records
Steps and protocol that accredited interviewers must follow under Law 21.057
One of the tools included in #Law21057 is the videotaped investigative interview. In the following video, we explain the steps and protocol that accredited interviewers+
Law 21.160 Declares Sexual Offenses Against Children and Adolescents as imprescriptible
Law 21.160, which declares sexual offenses committed against minors as non-prescriptible, was published in July 2019. The legislation introduces modifications to the Penal Code, establishing+
Information on Law 21.057
Regulations of Law 21.057. Benefits for Children, Adolescents, and Officials of the Criminal Justice System. The Changes Introduced by the Legislation and the Challenges for+
Recommendations for access to Videotaped Interview Records
Statistical Report on Sexual Offenses Against Children and Adolescents in Chile, 2019
Law 21.057 of Law Videorecorded Interviews
The animated video was released on April 2, 2019, for the implementation of Law 21.057 on Videotaped Interviews in its first stage.
+Annual Report 2019
In 2019, the maximum sentence was achieved for the rapist and murderer of a child in Los Andes, and the families were continued to be+
Support for Indirect Victims of Homicide in Post-Sentencing Contexts
Decree-Law 321 Establishes Parole for Convicted Persons
The Decree-Law No. 321, which establishes parole for individuals sentenced to prison sentences, was published on March 12, 1925, with the aim of regulating its+
The Role of the Intermediary in Judicial Testimonies with Children and Adolescents
Protocol I of Law 21.057 Regulates the Investigative Interview and Judicial Intermediation
Protocol of Article 31, letter I of Law 21.057: “The characteristics of the interviews, which will be conducted under standardized procedures, based on empirical experience+
Protocol H of Law 21.057 Training Courses for Interviewers
Protocol of Article 31, Letter H of Law 21.057: “The technical standards that the specialized training courses for interviewers must meet.”The protocol establishes the minimum+
Protocol G of Law 21.057: Relevant and Preferential Processing of Procedures
Protocol of Article 31, letter G of Law 21.057: “Measures to avoid unnecessary procedures, minimize interviews, and ensure the speed and preferential processing of procedures+
Protocol F of Law 21.057: Full Exercise of the Rights of Children and Adolescents
Protocol of Article 31, Letter F of Law 21.057: “The measures that allow the creation of the necessary conditions for each interaction with children and+
Protocol E of Law 21.057: Protection of Privacy and Security
Protocol of Article 31, letter E of Law 21.057: “Measures to ensure that interactions with children and adolescents take place under conditions that safeguard their+
Protocol D of Law 21.057: Interinstitutional Coordination for Adequate Territorial Coverage
Protocol of Article 31, letter D of Law 21.057: “The interinstitutional coordination standards that ensure the system of videorecorded investigative interviews and judicial statements of+
Protocol C of Law 21.057: Coordination for Protection Measures
Protocolo del artículo 31, letra C de la Ley 21.057: “Los estándares de coordinación interinstitucional que permitan la adopción oportuna de medidas adecuadas de protección,+
Protocol B of Law 21.057: Coordination for Protective Resources
Protocol of Article 31, Letter B of Law 21.057: “The interinstitutional coordination standards that allow children and adolescents, victims or witnesses, to receive support and+
Protocol A of Law 21.057: Referral Standards for Complaints
Protocol of Article 31, Letter A of Law 21.057: “The referral standards for complaints to the corresponding instances under the parameters outlined in Article 4+
La exposición mediática de víctimas indirectas de violación con homicidio
The Advocacy Model of the Amparo and Justice Foundation
Granting of Parole in Convictions for Rape with Homicide
Registry of Disabilities for Those Convicted of Sexual Offenses Against Children and Adolescents
Phenomenology of sexual offenses against children and adolescents
Escalera de la Niñez (Children’s Ladder)
For more than a month, the artist Isidora Paz López and a group of mosaic artists worked on the creation of the Children’s Ladder, which+
Law 21.090, which creates the Subsecretaría de la Niñez (Undersecretariat for Children)
Law No. 21.090, which creates the Undersecretariat for Children, amends Law No. 20.530 on the Ministry of Social Development and Family, and amends other legal+
Non-prescription of sexual offenses against children and adolescents
Act 21.057: Resource Center

This platform was created to support the continuous education of interviewers trained for the implementation of Act 21,057 on Videorecorded Interviewing.
Handbook on european law relating to the rights of the child
This second edition of the 2022 “Handbook on European Law Relating to the Rights of the Child” has been jointly prepared by the European Union+
Ibero-American Protocol for Judicial Action for Vulnerable Groups
The Ibero-American Judicial Protocol for Improving Access to Justice for Individuals and Groups in Vulnerable Conditions, with a Special Emphasis on Gender-Responsive Justice, emerged from+
Access of Children to Justice: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
The Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Children’s Access to Justice is presented in accordance with Resolution 22/32 of the+
National Regulations and Guidelines
Criteria for action of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in cases of sexual violence crimes
The National Prosecutor’s Office Letter No. 277/2022, titled “General Instruction Providing Action Criteria for Sexual Violence Crimes,” updates the standards for criminal investigation, prosecution, and+
Frequently asked questions about Law No. 21.057 for education staff
The document Frequently Asked Questions about Law No. 21.057, which “Regulates Video Recorded Interviews and Other Protective Measures for Minors, Victims of Sexual Crimes”, was+
Law 21.430 on guarantees and comprehensive protection of the rights of children and adolescents
Law 21.430 on Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents was published on March 15, 2022. Its objective is to guarantee+
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023
In this report, the Foundation highlights the key milestones of the past year. Among them is the commemoration of its 25 years of history, always+
Annual Report 2022
In this document, you will find a summary of the main projects and activities carried out by Fundación Amparo y Justicia during 2022. If you+
Annual Report 2021
In this report, you will find a summary of the main projects and activities carried out during 2021. If you wish to review the report+
Video library

Implementation of the Videorecorded Interviews Law 21.057

Videotaped Interviews

Interviews in the Escalera de la Niñez: Nora Rosati

Steps and protocol that accredited interviewers must follow under Law 21.057

Law 21.057 of Law Videorecorded Interviews

Explanatory on the Law of Videotaped Interviews

Professional Certificate Program on sex crimes against children and teens
Academic program offered jointly with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
This professional certificate program seeks to contribute to helping professionals and officials from the justice system specialize and stay current. It has had 10 different editions with over 600 students and outstanding professors from Chile and around the world.