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Legal representation and services in every case thanks to a team of attorneys with extensive experience in processing and litigating rape cases involving child and adolescent homicide. The victim’s family is accompanied and supported throughout the entire criminal prosecution, while seeking the maximum sentence considered in Chilean laws. This has made it possible to obtain heavy sentences in 44 cases that have been represented by the organization since its inception.
Afterwards, whether sentences are served is monitored, and families are represented before Parole Committees, Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court if there are motions filed by the convicted individuals’ defense team.
Furthermore, since 2018, the Foundation’s legal team has represented families before Parole Committees when the individuals convicted of these serious crimes apply for parole. Our broad experience in processing and litigating these cases has allowed us to present necessary precedents for demonstrating that these individuals are not rehabilitated nor prepared for life in society.
Specialized psychological support is provided to help families work through the painful experience they have suffered, which contributes to their healing and helping them rebuild their lives.
This support to families is given not only during the crisis stage immediately following the occurrence of the crime, but also throughout the grieving process, and psychiatric support is provided when necessary.
Through a collaboration agreement, the Foundation works in conjunction with the Victim Support Program of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security through its nationwide assistance centers.
We provide guidance and promote the empowerment of families and correct use of public networks through various different actions.
We support higher education for parents and siblings of victims, and provide them with career guidance and help them apply for State scholarships and support throughout the educational process. This makes it possible for many to attain a career that makes them more employable and to gain access to higher incomes.
Access to housing is another area of social intervention. In this field, multiple efforts are carried out in collaboration with regional SERVIUs.
Designing and implementing specialized training programs
We conduct awareness and rights outreach campaigns
Developing assessments, regulatory analyses, and other studies
Preparing recommendations for legislators and decision-makers
To contribute to the proper implementation of Law 21,057 on Videotaped Interviewing, whose objective is to prevent the secondary victimization of child and adolescent victims of sex crimes and other serious offenses, Amparo y Justicia collaborates by training interviewers and instructors, sharing information on regulations, and preparing studies and technical reports that contribute to decision-making to improve the formulation of public policy.
The objective of this academic program is to contribute to professionals and officials from the justice system specializing in and staying current on the investigation and prosecution of sex crime cases against children and adolescents.
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