Intermediation is a special measure designed to facilitate the participation of vulnerable victims and witnesses in judicial testimony. In Chile, this system has been gradually incorporated to prevent secondary victimization of children and adolescents during oral trials. It began with the implementation of the Special Courts project of the Judiciary, and was mandated by Law 21.057, which began to take effect on October 3, 2019, in six regions of the country. This document gathers the experiences of intermediaries after the first year of the law’s implementation, collected through focus groups, interviews, and surveys. The results reflect an overall positive evaluation of the experiences and functioning of intermediation, and describe the main practices and conditions that facilitate the development of this measure, as well as the difficulties and challenges for the next stages.
Author: Fundación Amparo y Justicia
You can also review the presentation of this document at the XIII International Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology organized by the Spanish Society of Legal and Forensic Psychology.

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