One of the greatest innovations brought about by Law 21.057 was the creation of the role of the interviewer, who has become a key figure in the investigation and prosecution of sexual offenses and other serious crimes whose victims are children and adolescents. Through a survey and focus groups with accredited interviewers, the study explores their experiences one year after the implementation of the first phase of the law. The results show a high level of commitment and appreciation for the purpose of the public policy, concern and interest in increasing their skills to conduct more complex interviews, and signs of emerging professional burnout. It is recommended to pay attention to the perception and well-being of interviewers, understanding the crucial role they play in the sustainability of the system.
Author: Fundación Amparo y Justicia
You can also review the presentation of this document at the XIII International Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology organized by the Spanish Society of Legal and Forensic Psychology.

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